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The computer size was very large in

  1. The computer size was very large in
    (a) first generation,
    (b) second generation
    (c) third generation
    (d) fourth generation
  2. All processing of computers is done
    (a) Monitor
    (c) Keyboard
    (b) CPU
    (d) RAM
  3. The word ‘Computer’ has been
    derived from which of the following
    (a) Greek
    (c) Latin
    (b) English
    (d) Spanish
  4. The brain of any computer system is
    (a) control unit
    (b) arithmetic logic unit
    (c) storage unit
    (d) central processing unit
  5. Which of the following operation is
    not performed?
    (a) Inputting
    (c) Controlling
    (b) Processing
    (d) Understanding
  6. The first generation of computers
    was based upon
    (a) transistors
    (b) ICS
    (c) vacuum tubes
    (d) conductor
  7. Pick the one that is used for logical
    operations or comparisons such as
    less than equal to or greater than
    (a) arithmetic and logic unit
    (b) control unit
    (c) input unit
    (d) memory unit
  8. Which of the following is known as
    the father of computer?
    (a) Herman Hollerith
    (b) Grace Hoppers
    (c) Napier
    (d) Charles Babbage
  9. Which of the following directs other
    components of the computer to
    perform the tasks specified in the
    program instructions?
    (a) Input unit
    (b) Output unit
    (c) ALU unit
    (d) Control unit
    …………are the raw
    …… is derived.
    (a) Data, information
    (b) Data, output
    (c) Input, information
    (d) Output, input
  10. Which of the following are the main
    types of softwares?
    (a) System software
    (b) Application software
    (c) Utility software
    (d) All of these
  11. Which of the following is a collection
    of facts and figures?
    (a) Data
    (c) Processing
    (b) Information
    (d) File
  12. It converts accepted instructions
    into machine language
    (a) understanding
    (b) thinking
    (c) compiling
    (d) processing
  13. It is a type of action to be taken on
    (a) input unit
    (b) output unit
    (c) processing unit
    (d) memory unit
  14. It temporary holds the data received
    from input device
    (a) input unit
    (b) memory
    (c) processing unit
    (d) file
  15. The physical arrangement of
    elements as input, output and
    processing devices grouped together
    represent a
    (a) mobile device
    (b) information processing cycle
    (c) circuit
    (d) computer system
  16. A computer portable and easy to
    carry by travellers is
    (a) super computer
    (b) laptop
    (c) mini computer
    (d) file servers
  17. In production of IC chip of
    computer, what is needed in the
    (a) Chromium
    (c) Platinum
    (b) Silicon
    (d) Gold
  18. In which generation did
    multiprogramming start?
    (a) First generation
    (b) Second generation
    (c) Third generation
    (d) Fourth generation
    …………is television size computer.
    (a) Optical
    (c) Super
    (b) Micro
    (d) Mainframe
  19. Main electronic part in third
    generation computer was
    (a) transistor
    (c) vacuum tube
    (b) VLSI
    (d) IC
  20. Which one is not a type of computer
    on the basis of size?
    (a) Micro computer
    (b) Mini computer
    (c) Super computer
    (d) Optical computer
  21. Who developed integrated chip?
    (a) CV Raman (b) Robert Nayak
    (d) C Babbage
    (c) JS Kilbi
  22. Initial computer was programmed
    (a) assembly language
    (b) machine language
    (c) spaghetti code
    (d) source code
  23. Digital computers use a …………
    system to encode date and
    (a) semiconductor (b) decimal
    (c) binary
    (d) RAM
  24. A. is a large and expensive
    computer capable of simultaneously
    processing data for hundreds or
    thousands of users.
    (a) handheld
    (c) personal
    (b) mainframe
    (d) tablet
  25. Which is the smallest of the
    following computers?
    (a) Notebook
    (c) Desktop
    (b) Laptop
    (d) Workstation
  26. Super computers…
    (a) are smaller in size and processing
    capability than mainframe computer/
    (b) are common in majority of
    (c) contain thousands of
    (d) are rarely used by researchers due to
    their lack of computing capacity
    (e) are of the same size as laptops
  27. To move to the beginning of a line of
    text, press the…… key.
    (a) Page up
    (c) Home
    (b) Shift
    (d) Enter
  28. The…… key will launch the Start
    (a) Esc
    (b) Shift
    (c) Window
    (d) Shortcut

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